Corrosion Management & Audit
At Praxis, we understand that corrosion poses a significant threat to heavy industries. It can lead to structural failures, health and safety risks, environmental damage, shutdowns, and reputational losses. That’s why we offer highly effective corrosion management solutions designed to optimize production systems, enhance structural integrity, and manage safety risks caused due to corrosion.
Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and qualified corrosion professionals and material specialists are equipped to manage and mitigate corrosion threats in the most meaningful manner possible. We leverage the latest Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies for effective corrosion mapping and data management.
Our solutions are designed to cater to specific needs and requirements, including capital investments and associated risks, compliance requirements, and other details. We support many of our clients with root cause analysis of corrosion, assessments of existing coatings, evaluations of the effectiveness of cathodic protection and inhibitors, and customized corrosion risk mapping and solutions. We can provide:
We can provide:
- Detection & mapping of nature of corrosion
- Condition inspection and assessment services
- Root cause analysis
- Identification of anomalies and corrective measures.
- Risk Based Assessment
- Assessment of Residual life of Asset
- Performance monitoring of Corrosion Protection solutions.
- Successful Implementation of HSE plan
- Implementation of cost-effective maintenance solutions
Effective corrosion management is highly dependent on the performance of coating systems. Therefore, it is essential that they are installed appropriately by trained crews under approved specifications, conditions, and product guidelines to achieve optimum results and desired service life. An experienced and qualified inspection team can play a vital role in ensuring complete compliance with the coating process.
Here at Praxis, we have the knowledge, expertise, and resources to ensure effective coating management at your site. We offer a range of services in the field of coating and corrosion management to ensure successful coating installation.
Our team of experts can provide comprehensive support, including coating specification development, application, and inspection services. We can also provide quality control, testing, and evaluation services to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.
Review of design & specification
- Prequalification of Application Team
- Design of job specific QAP & ITP
- Coating Audit & Survey
- Technical Drafting of Coating Contracts
- Contractor Qualification
- Budgeting
- Coating Inspection at Site
- Periodic coating assessment and Root Cause Analysis
- Data Management & Recording
- Training for Coating Supervisors & Engineers
- Project / Contract Management for Corrosion Mitigation campaigns